Tuesday 1 July 2014

Website Building on a Budget

Now let’s be honest, most of us would rather spend our time getting creative in the kitchen rather than dealing with our website. Whilst the daunting tasks are (unfortunately) necessary for any business, they don’t need to take over.  We've discovered that creating a website can actually be cheap, fast and quite a lot of fun.

With absolutely no budget and no coding knowledge, a small start-up like us needed to get creative. First impressions are everything, so here’s a little post about how you can easily build your own website in no time at all – it’s so easy we think you could even get your granny to have a go!

First things first, we needed to purchase our domain name.  This is actually a really simple process - we went to 123 - Reg to check that kitchentableprojects.com was available and it was! So we smashed open the piggy bank and purchased our name for a really good price (less than a tenner). 

The next step was to start planning our site. We tried a load of website builders: Weebly, Wordpress and SquareSpace, which, with our rookie knowledge of HTML coding (computer stuff) meant that our ideas didn’t always come out quite how we wanted them on the page.

Eventually, we came across WIX. They had hundreds of templates to choose from and personalise which made turning our ideas into a reality quick and easy. After just a few hours of exploring, we had developed the site in accordance with our brand - we knew we wanted it to be personal, so we used our own illustrations to supplement the pages. All we did was draw, colour, take a photo of our drawings and upload it to WIX! This was cheap, the options were infinite (because Tara could draw anything) and a lot of fun! We all got involved with the illustrations; why not take a look at our attempts here.

If you’re now thinking “that’s great… But I can’t draw” never fear, Canva is here! It’s an amazing site on a mission to make designing easy. It’s time to boot your designer through the door and wheel out granny again. Canva makes designing so simple that even if you don’t have great computer skills, you’ll definitely be able to create something special here.

Once we were happy with our final design, we linked it up to our domain and optimised our keywords and content for the best results with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). There are loads of guides out there that make this really easy too - have a Google! Just a few days later we were up and running on the world wide web with a website that we love.

WIX provide really useful video tutorials for practically every aspect of building a site with them, so if you ever get stuck just fix up a cuppa, sit back, and watch someone take you through the process step-by-step. If you'd like any further information about how we made our site, or have an idea of what you'd like to see in the future, just drop us an email- we'd love to hear from you!

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